Faces of Mill Hill

Robert W. Wilkerson, Spinning Room, is a member of the Erwin Mills exclusive and most honored Fifty Year Club. At the Twenty-five Year Club Banquet, he received a gold watch and well-deserved praise for his faithful and loyal service to the Company. He has run every job in Spinning. When he's not working, his favorite pastime is fishing.

First health clinic held in West Durham at the Old Library (1920).

Jackson Bolding lived in Brookstown and worked many years at Erwin Mills (photograph taken around 1900).

Some 40 years later, Jackson Bolding is flanked by two co-workers enjoying box lunches at a company function. Aaron Moore is seated on the left and Henderson Amey is on the right (ca. 1940).

Myrtle McBroom, No. 4 Spinning Room, lives on Broad Street with her son Bill who also works in the mill. She has worked at Erwin Mills since she first started to work. Her hobby is just sitting and resting when she isn't working.

Nellie Link, Sewing Room, came to work for Erwin Mills in July, 1927. She married W.C. Link of the Bleachery in 1937. She's very quiet and reserved and always on her job.

Luther Harward, Weave Room, has been living in West Durham about 53 years. Luther and his wife bought a house from the Company at 715 13th Street (Bolton). Luther likes to hunt and fish.

Zoe Young, Main Office. In Spetember 1927, a young lady visiting in Charlotte read an ad in which the Erwin Mills of Durham desired a qualified secretary. Miss Zoe Young decided to answer it, came to Durham for an interview, was promptly accepted and took up her new duties the very next day. The position she accepted was that of secretary to Mr. W.A. Erwin --executing her duties with efficiency, diligence and good humor.

Bettie Fields, Spinning Room, has worked for Erwin Mills ever since she has been old enough to work. Her hobbies include cooking and taking care of her son at their home on Eight Street (Iredell).

Raymond Wolfe, Weaver, and his wife live at 711 14th Street (Rutherford). They used to have a vegetable garden but recently turned it into yard and flower garden. Raymond's hobby is fishing.

Josie Emory has worked in the Spinning Room since she first came to the mill. She lives at 2501 Knox Street and enjoys raising indoor plants. She also likes to crochet and make things with her hands.

Rev. Roland Verrico, Pastor of the Church of God on the Hillsboro Road. If you have no church of your own, you will receive a hearty welcome at the Church of God.

We had a three-piece string band from 1950 to 1953 play every Saturday night upstairs at the Erwin Auditorium. The band was called "Tobacco Land Playboys." It consisted of me, Faison Perry on the fiddle, Ike Browning on the bass fiddle and Calvin Blake on the guitar. Our square dance caller was Cocky Bennett. He was the manager of the Erwin Auditorium. We averaged having about 20 couples each Saturday night. The band was paid 10 dollar each for playing each night. That was big money at that time. Mr. Norwood Tew replaced Mr. Bennett as caller after the first year. -Faison Perry


Most photos and captions are courtesy of the Erwin Chatter (company newsletter).